Census return

Displaying 3,101 - 3,200 of 73,812
Date First names Last name Place Age Sex Relation Profession Place of birth
1841 shatila indish Charles Street, Brighton 20 years Servant
1841 harriett ingram Church Street, Brighton 1 year f
1841 jane ingram Church Street, Brighton 25 years f
1841 john ingram Church Street, Brighton 31 years m Lab.
1841 ann ireland 1 Waterloo Street, Hove 25 years
1841 elizabeth ireland Orange Row, Brighton 15 years
1841 james ireland 1 Waterloo Street, Hove 55 years Factory
1841 jane ireland 1 Waterloo Street, Hove 55 years
1841 jane ireland 1 Waterloo Street, Hove 25 years
1841 john ireland Orange Row, Brighton 50 years Labourer
1841 sarah ireland Orange Row, Brighton 50 years
1841 william isles Spring Gardens, Brighton 35 years m Potman
1841 angelina jackemelly Spring Gardens, Brighton 17 years f
1841 ann jackemelly Spring Gardens, Brighton 40 years f Ind.
1841 emma jackemelly Spring Gardens, Brighton 19 years f
1841 frederick jackemelly Spring Gardens, Brighton 12 years m
1841 joseph jackemelly Spring Gardens, Brighton 13 years m
1841 albert jackson Vine Street, Brighton 1 year
1841 alfred jackson Vine Street, Brighton 3 years
1841 ann jackson Church Street, Brighton 45 years f Sussex
1841 eliza jackson Kensington Street, Brighton 15 years f Sussex
1841 emm jackson Vine Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 eve jackson Kensington Street, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 harry jackson Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 henry jackson Church Street, Brighton 6 years m Sussex
1841 isaac jackson Kensington Street, Brighton 15 years m Sussex
1841 john jackson Church Street, Brighton 38 years m Carpenter Sussex
1841 mary jackson Vine Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 mary jackson Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 sarah jackson Church Street, Brighton 8 years f Sussex
1841 w jackson Vine Street, Brighton 30 years Builder
1841 w. jackson Kensington Street, Brighton 35 years m Shoemaker Sussex
1841 walter jackson Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 fanny jacob Gardner Street, Brighton 8 years � f Sussex
1841 george jacob Gardner Street, Brighton 40 years � m Bricklayer Sussex
1841 george jacob Gardner Street, Brighton 1 year � m Sussex
1841 richard jacob Gardner Street, Brighton 6 years � m Sussex
1841 susan jacob Gardner Street, Brighton 40 years � f Sussex
1841 frederick jacobs Gloucester Lane, Brighton 15 years m Painter Ap
1841 mary jacobs Gloucester Lane, Brighton 45 years f
1841 robert jacobs Gloucester Lane, Brighton 55 years m Painter
1841 john jakes Tidy Street, Brighton 20 years Smith
1841 margaret jakes Tidy Street, Brighton 1 year
1841 martha jakes Tidy Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 richard jakes Tidy Street, Brighton 3 years
1841 a. james Kensington Gardens, Brighton 40 years f
1841 elizabeth james Kensington Gardens, Brighton 20 years f
1841 jane james Kensington Gardens, Brighton 50 years f
1841 sarah james Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 15 years Female servant
1841 pheobe jaques Gardner Street, Brighton 37 years � f Sussex
1841 henry jarrett Waterloo Street, Hove 20 years M S
1841 henry jarrett Waterloo Street, Hove 10 years
1841 mary jarrett Waterloo Street, Hove 45 years
1841 peter jarrett Waterloo Street, Hove 50 years M S
1841 peter jarrett Waterloo Street, Hove 10 years
1841 ann jefferries Pimlico, Brighton 40 years f
1841 ann jeffery 6 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 35 years
1841 edward jeffery 6 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 40 years Fisherman
1841 eliza jeffery Thomas Street, Kemp Town 13 years f Sussex
1841 francis jeffery Thomas Street, Kemp Town 45 years f
1841 frederick jeffery Thomas Street, Kemp Town 10 years m Sussex
1841 george jeffery Thomas Street, Kemp Town 7 years m Sussex
1841 susan jeffery Thomas Street, Kemp Town 15 years f Sussex
1841 william jeffery Thomas Street, Kemp Town 65 years m Lab. Sussex
1841 w. jelstraw Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 25 years m Clerk
1841 elizabeth jenkins Pimlico, Brighton 50 years f Sussex
1841 frances jenkins Marlborough Place, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 james jenkins Marlborough Place, Brighton 55 years m Sussex
1841 james jenkins Marlborough Place, Brighton 20 years m Sussex
1841 susanah jenkins Orange Row, Brighton 45 years
1841 thomas jenkins Pimlico, Brighton 40 years m Bricklayer Sussex
1841 william jenkins Orange Row, Brighton 35 years Labourer
1841 barbara jenner North Lane, Brighton 70 years f Green Grocer Sussex
1841 francis jenner Gardner Street, Brighton 70 years � m Ind Sussex
1841 maria jenner North Lane, Brighton 25 years f Sussex
1841 thos. jenner North Lane, Brighton 35 years m Sussex
1841 carrelin jenson Trafalgar Street, Brighton 20 years f Sussex
1841 mary jenson Trafalgar Street, Brighton 6 months f Sussex
1841 m. jerman Charles Street, Brighton 12 years
1841 alfred jesper Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 12 years m
1841 frederick jesper Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 10 years m
1841 henry jesper Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 14 years m
1841 sarah jesper Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 40 years f
1841 sarah jesper Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 6 years f
1841 william jesper Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 40 years m Cabinet M. J.
1841 william jesper Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 15 years m
1841 elizabeth jessop Frederick Street, Brighton 35 years f
1841 henry jessop Frederick Street, Brighton 30 years m File Cutter
1841 elizabeth joanis Cheltenham Place, Brighton 3 years
1841 ellen joanis Cheltenham Place, Brighton 30 years
1841 ellen joanis Cheltenham Place, Brighton 6 years
1841 ralph joanis Cheltenham Place, Brighton 35 years Carpenter
1841 ralph joanis Cheltenham Place, Brighton 1 year
1841 robert joanis Cheltenham Place, Brighton 11 years
1841 william joanis Cheltenham Place, Brighton 13 years
1841 ann johnson Jubilee Street, Brighton 55 years Ind.
1841 anstey johnson Gardner Street, Brighton 12 years � f Sussex
1841 ellen johnson Gardner Street, Brighton 5 years � f Sussex
1841 frederick johnson Marlborough Place, Brighton 15 years m Male Servant
1841 george johnson Vine Street, Brighton 5 years