Census return

Displaying 2,781 - 2,800 of 73,812
Date First names Last name Place Age Sex Relation Profession Place of birth
1841 harriott higgs Frederick Place, Brighton 3 years f
1841 james higgs Frederick Place, Brighton 4 years m
1841 joseph higgs Frederick Place, Brighton 6 years m
1841 sarah higgs Frederick Place, Brighton 3 months f
1841 mary hilan Marlborough Place, Brighton 15 years f Female Servant
1841 eliza hill Bread Street, Brighton 22 years f Sussex
1841 elizabeth hill Bread Street, Brighton 2 years f Sussex
1841 emma hill Church Street, Brighton 25 years f F.S.
1841 hannah hill Trafalgar Street, Brighton 15 years f F.S. Sussex
1841 jane hill Charles Street, Brighton 20 years Female Servant
1841 jane hill Charles Street, Brighton 20 years Female Servant
1841 peter hill Bread Street, Brighton 4 years m Sussex
1841 richard hill Pimlico, Brighton 50 years m Brushmaker
1841 robert hill Bread Street, Brighton 25 years m Navigator Sussex
1841 ann hillman Church Street, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 richard hillman Church Street, Brighton 28 years m Sugar Boiler Sussex
1841 richard hillman Church Street, Brighton 6 years m Sussex
1841 emma hills George Street, Brighton 8 years
1841 felicia hills Tidy Street, Brighton 10 years
1841 harriet hills George Street, Brighton 10 years