Census return

Displaying 5,501 - 5,750 of 73,812
Date First names Last name Place Age Sex Relation Profession Place of birth
1841 mary anne stocker Regent Street, Brighton 15 years f Dressmaker
1841 sarah stocker Regent Street, Brighton 40 years f
1841 wm john stocker Regent Street, Brighton 20 years m Painter's App.
1841 richard stokes Regent Street, Brighton 35 years m Porter Sussex
1841 ann stollard Tidy Street, Brighton 1 year
1841 david stollard Tidy Street, Brighton 7 years
1841 edward stollard Tidy Street, Brighton 35 years Joiner
1841 lydia stollard Tidy Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 mary stollard Tidy Street, Brighton 3 years
1841 naiomer stollard Tidy Street, Brighton 10 years
1841 robert stollard Tidy Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 caroline stone Frederick Place, Brighton 21 years f
1841 charles stone Frederick Gardens, Brighton 3 months m Sussex
1841 charles stone Frederick Place, Brighton 24 years m Smith
1841 edmund stone Frederick Gardens, Brighton 11 years m Sussex
1841 edward stone Robert Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 edwin stone Spring Gardens, Brighton 15 years m Wheelwright Sussex
1841 elizabeth stone Frederick Gardens, Brighton 6 years f Sussex
1841 frances stone Frederick Place, Brighton 2 years f
1841 george stone Robert Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 harriett stone Robert Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 james stone Robert Street, Brighton 10 months
1841 james stone Frederick Gardens, Brighton 30 years m Smith Sussex
1841 jane stone Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 20 years f Dressmaker
1841 mary stone Frederick Gardens, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 samuel stone Spring Gardens, Brighton 14 years m Blacksmith Sussex
1841 sarah stone Spring Gardens, Brighton 50 years f Sussex
1841 solomon stone Robert Street, Brighton 30 years Shoemaker
1841 william stone Robert Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 charlotte storey Robert Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 emma storey Robert Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 john storey Robert Street, Brighton 50 years Porter
1841 john storey Robert Street, Brighton 10 years
1841 n storey Robert Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 sarah storey Robert Street, Brighton 50 years
1841 saml strange Jubilee Street, Brighton 25 years Ostler
1841 fanny streeter Bread Street, Brighton 24 years f Sussex
1841 john streeter Bread Street, Brighton 37 years m Painter Sussex
1841 mary streeter Bread Street, Brighton 39 years f Sussex
1841 mary streeter Frederick Gardens, Brighton 55 years f Laundry Sussex
1841 mary streeter Frederick Place, Brighton 3 years f
1841 thomas streeter Thomas Street, Kemp Town 55 years m Lab. Sussex
1841 adelaide stretch Kensington Gardens, Brighton 10 years f Sussex
1841 ann stretch Jubilee Street, Brighton 9 years
1841 ann stretch Kensington Gardens, Brighton 52 years f
1841 edward stretch Kensington Gardens, Brighton 67 years m Clerk
1841 wm. stretch Regent Street, Brighton 25 years m Clerk
1841 emma stringer Kensington Place, Brighton 15 years f F d
1841 william stringer Kensington Place, Brighton 15 years m
1841 ann strong Frederick Place, Brighton 70 years f Independent
1841 ann strong Frederick Place, Brighton 12 years f
1841 barbry strong Frederick Place, Brighton 15 years f
1841 eliza strong Gardner Street, Brighton 17 years � f Dressmaker Sussex
1841 elizabeth strong Frederick Place, Brighton 14 years f
1841 emma strong Gardner Street, Brighton 19 years � f Dressmaker Sussex
1841 george strong Frederick Place, Brighton 4 years m
1841 john strong Frederick Place, Brighton 8 years m
1841 mary strong Frederick Place, Brighton 40 years f
1841 mary strong Gardner Street, Brighton 60 years � f
1841 matilda strong Frederick Place, Brighton 10 years f
1841 samuel strong Frederick Place, Brighton 18 years m Male servant
1841 sarah strong Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 70 years f
1841 sarah strong Frederick Place, Brighton 1 year f
1841 william strong Frederick Place, Brighton 40 years m Smith
1841 wm strong Gardner Street, Brighton 60 years � m Herbalist Sussex
1841 caroline stuart Pimlico, Brighton 18 years f Sussex
1841 catherine stuart Pimlico, Brighton 13 years f Sussex
1841 emma stuart Pimlico, Brighton 14 years f Sussex
1841 john stuart Pimlico, Brighton 56 years m Labourer
1841 pricilla stuart Pimlico, Brighton 54 years f Sussex
1841 thomas stubbington Gloucester Cottages, Brighton 25 years m Smith J.
1841 charlotte sturt Tidy Street, Brighton 35 years
1841 elizabeth sturt Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 65 years f
1841 frederick sturt Tidy Street, Brighton 33 years Printer
1841 thomas sturt Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 70 years m Labourer
1841 cornelius sullivan Vine Street, Brighton 40 years Butcher
1841 mary summersett Kensington Gardens, Brighton 38 years f Beer Shop Sussex
1841 w. summersett Kensington Gardens, Brighton 40 years m
1841 john sutherland Bread Street, Brighton 20 years m Shoemaker Sussex
1841 rebeca sutherland Marlborough Place, Brighton 24 years f Independent
1841 rebeca sutherland Marlborough Place, Brighton 1 year f Sussex
1841 susan sutten Thomas Street, Kemp Town 25 years f Sussex
1841 ann sutton Robert Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 charles sutton Robert Street, Brighton 2 years
1841 edward sutton Robert Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 g sutton Robert Street, Brighton 30 years Tin plate worker
1841 martha sutton Robert Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 arthur swan Tidy Street, Brighton 30 years Mart. Guard
1841 fanny swan Tidy Street, Brighton 7 years
1841 jane swan Tidy Street, Brighton 9 years
1841 maria swan Tidy Street, Brighton 31 years
1841 ann swanell Kensington Street, Brighton 20 years f Independent
1841 elizabeth sweetman Spring Gardens, Brighton 41 years f Sussex
1841 geo. sweetman Regent Street, Brighton 15 years m Ap. Sussex
1841 henry sweetman Spring Gardens, Brighton 45 years m Coachman Sussex
1841 caroline swift 2 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 4 years
1841 edmund swift Spring Gardens, Brighton 35 years m Bricklayer Sussex
1841 edward swift 2 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 9 years
1841 elizabeth swift 2 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 15 years
1841 emma swift 2 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 1 year
1841 harriett swift 2 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 7 years
1841 sarah swift 2 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 11 years
1841 william swift 2 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 45 years Post boy
1841 anne tanle Dorset Street, Kemp Town 5 years
1841 charlotte tanner Church Street, Brighton 15 years f F.S.
1841 sarah tanner Thomas Street, Kemp Town 50 years f Sussex
1841 hannah tansley George Street, Brighton 15 years Servant
1841 caroline tapper 3 Waterloo Street, Hove 19 years F S
1841 ann tarmby Marlborough Place, Brighton 25 years f Female Servant
1841 henry tasker Jubilee Street, Brighton 9 years
1841 catherine tate Gardner Street, Brighton 1 year � f Sussex
1841 clara tate Gardner Street, Brighton 29 years � f Sussex
1841 clara tate Gardner Street, Brighton 5 years � f Sussex
1841 elizebeth tate Gardner Street, Brighton 2 years � f Sussex
1841 george tate Gardner Street, Brighton 10 years � m Sussex
1841 james tate Gardner Street, Brighton 34 years � m Clerk/Ink Maker
1841 john tate Gardner Street, Brighton 8 years � m Sussex
1841 mary tate Gardner Street, Brighton 25 years � f Fr of
1841 mary anne tate Gardner Street, Brighton 4 years � f Sussex
1841 adam taylor Pimlico, Brighton 30 years m Fisherman Sussex
1841 ann taylor Dorset Street, Kemp Town 55 years Bather
1841 ann taylor 32 Church Street, Brighton 25 years f Sussex
1841 ann taylor Kensington Gardens, Brighton 15 years f Sussex
1841 ann taylor Kensington Gardens, Brighton 74 years f Sussex
1841 david taylor Trafalgar Court, Brighton 15 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 diannah taylor Trafalgar Court, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 edmund taylor 32 Church Street, Brighton 30 years m Butcher Sussex
1841 edmund taylor 32 Church Street, Brighton 2 years m Sussex
1841 elias taylor Trafalgar Court, Brighton 50 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 elizabeth taylor Tidy Street, Brighton 24 years
1841 elizabeth taylor Thomas Street, Kemp Town 25 years f
1841 elizabeth taylor Trafalgar Court, Brighton 17 years f Sussex
1841 elizabeth taylor Pimlico, Brighton 23 years f Sussex
1841 frederick taylor Regent Street, Brighton 5 years m Sussex
1841 geo. taylor Regent Street, Brighton 41 years m M.S. Sussex
1841 geo. taylor Regent Street, Brighton 14 years m Sussex
1841 hannah taylor Kensington Street, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 harry taylor Kensington Gardens, Brighton 72 years m Fisherman Sussex
1841 james taylor Dorset Street, Kemp Town 25 years Seaman
1841 james taylor Trafalgar Court, Brighton 13 years m Sussex
1841 mary taylor Robert Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 mary taylor Tidy Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 mary taylor Church Street, Brighton 70 years f Ind.
1841 mary anne taylor Regent Street, Brighton 1 year f Sussex
1841 nancy taylor Pimlico, Brighton 2 years f Sussex
1841 robert taylor Tidy Street, Brighton 7 years
1841 sarah taylor Robert Street, Brighton 4 years
1841 sophia taylor Regent Street, Brighton 39 years f Sussex
1841 sophia taylor Regent Street, Brighton 12 years f Sussex
1841 susan taylor Dorset Street, Kemp Town 25 years Bather
1841 susan taylor Church Street, Brighton 30 years f Ind.
1841 susan taylor Marlborough Place, Brighton 20 years f Female Servant
1841 thomas taylor Tidy Street, Brighton 1 year
1841 thomas taylor Regent Street, Brighton 8 years m Sussex
1841 thomas taylor Trafalgar Court, Brighton 11 years m Sussex
1841 thomas taylor Pimlico, Brighton 4 years m Sussex
1841 w taylor Robert Street, Brighton 30 years Carpenter
1841 william taylor Tidy Street, Brighton 2 years
1841 elizabeth tenner Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 2 years
1841 henry tenner Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 34 years Clerk
1841 henry tenner Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 5 years
1841 marrin tenner Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 3 years
1841 amelia terry Gardner Street, Brighton 6 years � f
1841 anne terry Gardner Street, Brighton 13 years � f
1841 eliza terry Gardner Street, Brighton 8 years � f
1841 elizebeth terry Gardner Street, Brighton 33 years � f Sussex
1841 ellen terry Gardner Street, Brighton 3 years � f Sussex
1841 emma terry Gardner Street, Brighton 10 years � f
1841 john terry Gardner Street, Brighton 35 years � m Baker Sussex
1841 samuel terry Marlborough Place, Brighton 35 years f Carpenter Sussex
1841 ann tester Jubilee Street, Brighton 8 years
1841 ann tester Trafalgar Street, Brighton 10 years f Sussex
1841 benjamin tester Trafalgar Street, Brighton 3 years m Sussex
1841 ebenezer tester Trafalgar Street, Brighton 6 years m Sussex
1841 elizath tester Jubilee Street, Brighton 30 years Shop keeper
1841 elizh tester Trafalgar Street, Brighton 39 years f
1841 franciss tester Jubilee Street, Brighton 1 year
1841 geoe tester Trafalgar Street, Brighton 45 years m Lace Hawker Sussex
1841 heptizibah tester Trafalgar Street, Brighton 13 years f Sussex
1841 maria tester Trafalgar Street, Brighton 15 years f Sussex
1841 mary tester Frederick Gardens, Brighton 20 years f FS (Female Servant) Sussex
1841 matthias tester Jubilee Street, Brighton 3 years
1841 robert tester Jubilee Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 ann thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 1 year f Sussex
1841 ann thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 ann thomas Trafalgar Street, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 betsy thomas Trafalgar Street, Brighton 1 year f Sussex
1841 elizabeth thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 25 years f Sussex
1841 elizabeth thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 2 years f Sussex
1841 elizabeth thomas Pimlico, Brighton 48 years f Sussex
1841 frances thomas Marlborough Place, Brighton 20 years f Female Servant Sussex
1841 henry thomas Marlborough Place, Brighton 20 years m Male Servant Sussex
1841 lewis thomas Jubilee Street, Brighton 65 years Shoe mf.
1841 mary thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 3 years f Sussex
1841 mary thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 4 years f Sussex
1841 robert thomas Trafalgar Street, Brighton 30 years m Independent
1841 samuel thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 25 years m Moulder
1841 susanna thomas Trafalgar Street, Brighton 3 years f Sussex
1841 william thomas Frederick Gardens, Brighton 36 years m Beer Trader
1841 wm. thomas Pimlico, Brighton 52 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 sarah thompson Frederick Gardens, Brighton 50 years f Sevt Sussex
1841 john thorncroft Orange Row, Brighton 70 years Independent
1841 john thorp Gardner Street, Brighton 62 years � m Ind Sussex
1841 phillis thorp Gardner Street, Brighton 64 years � f Sussex
1841 l thorswells Robert Street, Brighton 10 years Servant
1841 e. thurston Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 20 years f
1841 thomas thurston Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 25 years m Servant
1841 allen ticehurst Tidy Street, Brighton 35 years
1841 caroline ticehurst Jubilee Street, Brighton 10 years
1841 eliza ticehurst Regent Street, Brighton 30 years f Dressmaker Sussex
1841 henry ticehurst Tidy Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 jemima ticehurst Jubilee Street, Brighton 4 years
1841 joseph ticehurst Jubilee Street, Brighton 36 years Baker
1841 joseph ticehurst Jubilee Street, Brighton 6 years
1841 joseph ticehurst Regent Street, Brighton 70 years m Sussex
1841 mary ticehurst Tidy Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 samuel ticehurst Tidy Street, Brighton 35 years Carpenter
1841 sarah ticehurst Jubilee Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 sarah ticehurst Jubilee Street, Brighton 13 years
1841 thos ticehurst Jubilee Street, Brighton 8 years
1841 ann tidzer Frederick Street, Brighton 35 years f
1841 elizabeth tidzer Frederick Street, Brighton 12 years f Sussex
1841 emma tidzer Frederick Street, Brighton 7 years f Sussex
1841 henry tidzer Frederick Street, Brighton 5 years m Sussex
1841 joseph tidzer Frederick Street, Brighton 35 years m Tailor Sussex
1841 joseph tidzer Frederick Street, Brighton 9 years m Sussex
1841 katherine tidzer Frederick Street, Brighton 3 years f Sussex
1841 elizabeth till Marlborough Place, Brighton 30 years f Independent Sussex
1841 thomas till Frederick Place, Brighton 19 years m Male servant
1841 jabez tilley Kensington Gardens, Brighton 25 years m Carpenter
1841 jabez tilley Kensington Gardens, Brighton 9 months m Sussex
1841 martha tilley Kensington Gardens, Brighton 20 years f
1841 ellin tilston Gardner Street, Brighton 23 years � f Sussex
1841 thomas tilt Church Street, Brighton 45 years m Sussex
1841 james tippen Frederick Street, Brighton 40 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 mary ann tippen Frederick Street, Brighton 35 years f
1841 edmond titt Frederick Place, Brighton 6 years m
1841 eliza titt Frederick Place, Brighton 39 years f
1841 emily titt Frederick Place, Brighton 11 years f
1841 james titt Frederick Place, Brighton 9 years m
1841 thos titt Frederick Place, Brighton 16 years m
1841 wm titt Frederick Place, Brighton 40 years m Male servant
1841 wm titt Frederick Place, Brighton 2 years m
1841 todd Vine Street, Brighton 35 years
1841 george todd Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 jane todd Vine Street, Brighton 4 years
1841 john todd Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 mary todd Vine Street, Brighton 40 years
1841 mary todd Vine Street, Brighton 10 years
1841 eliza todman Kensington Gardens, Brighton 25 years f Sussex