Census return

Displaying 5,751 - 6,000 of 73,812
Date First names Last name Place Age Sex Relation Profession Place of birth
1841 george todman Kensington Gardens, Brighton 2 years m Sussex
1841 henry todman Kensington Gardens, Brighton 5 years m Sussex
1841 richard todman Kensington Gardens, Brighton 25 years m M.Servant Sussex
1841 william todman Kensington Gardens, Brighton 4 years m Sussex
1841 margaret tomkyns Marlborough Place, Brighton 70 years f Independent
1841 mary tomkyns Marlborough Place, Brighton 35 years f Independent
1841 caroline toogood Charles Street, Brighton 14 years Servant
1841 james tootel Thomas Street, Kemp Town 60 years m
1841 christiana toppin Marlborough Place, Brighton 45 years f Independent
1841 henry toppin Marlborough Place, Brighton 15 years m Independent
1841 john toppin Marlborough Place, Brighton 50 years m Independent
1841 elizabeth tourle Tidy Street, Brighton 35 years
1841 james tourle Tidy Street, Brighton 30 years Ind.
1841 james tourle Tidy Street, Brighton 23 years Cabinet Maker
1841 martha tourle Tidy Street, Brighton 45 years
1841 ellis towler Charles Street, Brighton 25 years
1841 hannah towler Charles Street, Brighton 2 months
1841 henry towler Charles Street, Brighton 30 years Draper Apprentice
1841 john towler Charles Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 alfred tranter Pimlico, Brighton 14 years m Sussex
1841 edmund tranter Pimlico, Brighton 4 years m Sussex
1841 george tranter Pimlico, Brighton 16 years m Sussex
1841 harold tranter Pimlico, Brighton 8 years m Sussex
1841 sarah tranter Pimlico, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 alexandr treach Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 65 years Independent
1841 ann tree Frederick Place, Brighton 54 years f Laundrys
1841 arthur james treese Charles Street, Brighton 6 years
1841 isabella mary treese Charles Street, Brighton 35 years Independent
1841 ann trelfer Trafalgar Street, Brighton 50 years f Sussex
1841 david trelfer Trafalgar Street, Brighton 30 years m Shoe Maker Sussex
1841 david trelfer Trafalgar Street, Brighton 55 years m Shoe Maker Sussex
1841 mary trelfer Trafalgar Street, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 alice tribe Spring Gardens, Brighton 20 years f Sussex
1841 alice tribe Spring Gardens, Brighton 6 months f Sussex
1841 charles tribe Bread Street, Brighton 24 years m Painter Sussex
1841 jane tribe Bread Street, Brighton 24 years f
1841 walter tribe Spring Gardens, Brighton 22 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 elizabeth trill Marlborough Place, Brighton 15 years f Female Servant Sussex
1841 george trill Marlborough Place, Brighton 9 years m Sussex
1841 louisa trill Marlborough Place, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 richard trill Marlborough Place, Brighton 3 years m Sussex
1841 samuel trill Marlborough Place, Brighton 1 year m Sussex
1841 stephen trill Marlborough Place, Brighton 40 years m Sussex
1841 stephen trill Marlborough Place, Brighton 11 years m Sussex
1841 edmund trivett Kensington Place, Brighton 16 years m Bricklayer
1841 george trivett Kensington Place, Brighton 46 years m Taylor
1841 george trivett Kensington Place, Brighton 16 years m Carpenter
1841 mary trivett Kensington Place, Brighton 40 years f
1841 william trivett Kensington Place, Brighton 22 years m Shoemaker
1841 a. trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 15 years f
1841 emma trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 1 year f
1841 henry trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 1 year m
1841 james trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 50 years m Clerk
1841 james trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 10 years m
1841 martha trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 5 years f
1841 rosina trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 35 years f
1841 sarah trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 10 years f
1841 stephen trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 5 years m
1841 w. trott Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 5 years m
1841 john trower Bread Street, Brighton 19 years m
1841 sarah trower Bread Street, Brighton 53 years f Ind
1841 magor truefitt Marlborough Place, Brighton 14 years m Pupil
1841 charlotte trueman Vine Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 elizabeth trueman Vine Street, Brighton 10 years
1841 george trueman Vine Street, Brighton 1 month
1841 jane trueman Vine Street, Brighton 2 years
1841 john trueman Vine Street, Brighton 42 years
1841 m trueman Vine Street, Brighton 30 years Taylor
1841 thos trueman Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 caroline trussler Regent Street, Brighton 25 years f Sussex
1841 caroline trussler Regent Street, Brighton 22 years f Sussex
1841 thos. trussler Regent Street, Brighton 25 years m Flyman Sussex
1841 emma tryuh Tidy Street, Brighton 6 years
1841 george tryuh Tidy Street, Brighton 11 years
1841 john tryuh Tidy Street, Brighton 60 years Ind.
1841 john tryuh Tidy Street, Brighton 13 years
1841 mary tryuh Tidy Street, Brighton 35 years
1841 eliza tuck Frederick Street, Brighton 10 years f Sussex
1841 emma tuck Frederick Street, Brighton 5 years f Sussex
1841 henry tuck Frederick Street, Brighton 2 years m Sussex
1841 jane tuck Frederick Street, Brighton 8 months f Sussex
1841 mary ann tuck Frederick Street, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 william tuck Frederick Street, Brighton 35 years m Labourer
1841 henry tucker Regent Street, Brighton 30 years m Coachman Sussex
1841 john tucker Regent Street, Brighton 21 years m Guard Sussex
1841 mary anne tucker Regent Street, Brighton 20 years f Sussex
1841 mary tucknot Gardner Street, Brighton 50 years � f Sussex
1841 thos tucknot Gardner Street, Brighton 40 years � m Labourer Sussex
1841 samuel tucknott Church Street, Brighton 24 years m
1841 alfred tugwell Bread Street, Brighton 15 years m Shoemaker Sussex
1841 ann tugwell Bread Street, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 charles tugwell Gardner Street, Brighton 4 years � m Sussex
1841 eliza tugwell Gardner Street, Brighton 6 years � f Sussex
1841 elizabeth tugwell Bread Street, Brighton 8 years f Sussex
1841 jas tugwell Gardner Street, Brighton 36 years � m Shoe maker Sussex
1841 martha tugwell Gardner Street, Brighton 9 years � f Sussex
1841 mary tugwell Gardner Street, Brighton 35 years � f
1841 mary ann tugwell Bread Street, Brighton 10 years f Sussex
1841 sarah tugwell Charles Street, Brighton 20 years Servant
1841 sarah tugwell Gardner Street, Brighton 31 years � f Sussex
1841 sarah tugwell Regent Street, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 thomas tugwell Bread Street, Brighton 45 years m Shoemaker Sussex
1841 thomas tugwell Bread Street, Brighton 15 years m Shoemaker Sussex
1841 martha tully Jubilee Street, Brighton 25 years
1841 mary ann tully Frederick Street, Brighton 2 years f Sussex
1841 william tully Frederick Street, Brighton 40 years m Milkman Sussex
1841 william tully Frederick Street, Brighton 7 years m Sussex
1841 wm tully Jubilee Street, Brighton 3 years
1841 john tuly Trafalgar Street, Brighton 9 years m Sussex
1841 mary tuly Trafalgar Street, Brighton 30 years f
1841 willm tuly Trafalgar Street, Brighton 5 years m Sussex
1841 wilm tuly Trafalgar Street, Brighton 45 years m Baker Sussex
1841 charles tune Gloucester Lane, Brighton 25 years m Shoem
1841 fanny tune Gloucester Lane, Brighton 1 year f
1841 mary tune Gloucester Lane, Brighton 25 years f
1841 mary tune Gloucester Lane, Brighton 2 years f
1841 elizabeth tuppen North Lane, Brighton 70 years f Sussex
1841 elizabeth tuppen North Lane, Brighton 4 years f Sussex
1841 george tuppen Spring Gardens, Brighton 30 years m Painter Sussex
1841 george tuppen Spring Gardens, Brighton 6 years m Sussex
1841 mary tuppen Spring Gardens, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 mary ann tuppen Spring Gardens, Brighton 2 years f Sussex
1841 mary ann tuppen North Lane, Brighton 9 months f Sussex
1841 mary d. tuppen North Lane, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 thos. tuppen North Lane, Brighton 45 years m Corn Chandler & Meal man Sussex
1841 thos. tuppen North Lane, Brighton 1 year m Sussex
1841 w. tuppen North Lane, Brighton 5 years m Sussex
1841 william tuppen Spring Gardens, Brighton 5 years m Sussex
1841 ann turey Tidy Street, Brighton 25 years
1841 charles turey Tidy Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 mary turey Tidy Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 thomas turey Tidy Street, Brighton 60 years Coal Merch.
1841 anne turner Frederick Street, Brighton 6 years f Sussex
1841 edward turner Frederick Street, Brighton 40 years m Tailor Sussex
1841 edward turner Frederick Street, Brighton 4 years m Sussex
1841 elizabeth turner Frederick Street, Brighton 8 years f Sussex
1841 emilly turner Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 6 years
1841 mary turner Kensington Place, Brighton 30 years f
1841 richard turner Kensington Place, Brighton 30 years m Tailor
1841 sarah turner Frederick Street, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 sarah turner Frederick Street, Brighton 1 year f Sussex
1841 thomas turner Robert Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 caroline eln. turness Regent Street, Brighton 18 years f Sussex
1841 frances turness Regent Street, Brighton 30 years f Sussex
1841 jemima turness Regent Street, Brighton 15 years f Sussex
1841 john turness Regent Street, Brighton 55 years m Sussex
1841 john turness Regent Street, Brighton 20 years m Shopman Sussex
1841 mary anne turness Regent Street, Brighton 28 years f Sussex
1841 sarah turness Regent Street, Brighton 25 years f Sussex
1841 edmund tutt Spring Gardens, Brighton 6 years m Sussex
1841 george tutt Spring Gardens, Brighton 1 year m Sussex
1841 harriett tutt Spring Gardens, Brighton 3 years f Sussex
1841 henry tutt Spring Gardens, Brighton 29 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 stephen tutt Spring Gardens, Brighton 19 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 hanah tyler Marlborough Place, Brighton 30 years f Female Servant Sussex
1841 mary tyler Thomas Street, Kemp Town 25 years f
1841 samuel tyler Thomas Street, Kemp Town 25 years m Lab.
1841 frank tyrell Frederick Street, Brighton 3 months m Sussex
1841 julia tyrell Frederick Street, Brighton 25 years f Sussex
1841 kate tyrell Frederick Street, Brighton 5 years f Sussex
1841 william tyrell Frederick Street, Brighton 35 years m Butcher Sussex
1841 william tyrell Frederick Street, Brighton 3 years m Sussex
1841 thomas underdan Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 15 years m Apprentice Sweep
1841 unknown unknown Spring Gardens, Brighton 25 years m
1841 sarah unstead Church Street, Brighton 20 years f F.S.
1841 benjamin upton Gloucester Lane, Brighton 16 years m
1841 corneliane upton Gloucester Lane, Brighton 14 years m
1841 roseena upton Gloucester Lane, Brighton 48 years f
1841 william upton Gloucester Lane, Brighton 49 years m Iron founder
1841 sarah vale Marlborough Place, Brighton 55 years f Female Servant
1841 john varney Foundry Street, Brighton 50 years m coach porter UK
1841 alfred vaughan Kensington Street, Brighton 35 years m Sussex
1841 ann vaughan 7 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 35 years
1841 elizabeth vaughan 7 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 7 years
1841 fanny vaughan 7 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 4 years
1841 fanny vaughan Kensington Street, Brighton 5 years f Sussex
1841 harry vaughan Kensington Street, Brighton 5 years m Sussex
1841 james vaughan 7 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 1 year
1841 james vaughan Frederick Street, Brighton 20 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 john vaughan 7 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 35 years
1841 john vaughan 7 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 15 years Stableman
1841 mary vaughan Kensington Street, Brighton 40 years f Sussex
1841 william vaughan 7 Dorset Street, Kemp Town 11 years
1841 edgar veness Frederick Gardens, Brighton 18 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 jane veness Tidy Street, Brighton 20 years
1841 john veness Tidy Street, Brighton 30 years Carpenter
1841 mary veness Frederick Gardens, Brighton 20 years f Milliner Sussex
1841 sarah veness Frederick Gardens, Brighton 55 years f Sussex
1841 thomas veness Frederick Gardens, Brighton 60 years m Bookseller Sussex
1841 thomas veness Frederick Gardens, Brighton 24 years m Painter Sussex
1841 benjamin venterall Thomas Street, Kemp Town 35 years m
1841 edward verrall Jubilee Street, Brighton 35 years Shoe mf.
1841 elizabeth verrall Church Street, Brighton 14 years f F.S.
1841 jane verrall Church Street, Brighton 40 years f Seamstress
1841 john verrall Church Street, Brighton 15 years m Pupil Sussex
1841 mary verrall Kensington Gardens, Brighton 40 years f Independent Sussex
1841 richard verrall Church Street, Brighton 12 years m Pupil Sussex
1841 charlotte vinall Kensington Place, Brighton 50 years f
1841 dorothy vinall Bread Street, Brighton 25 years f Laundress Sussex
1841 harriett vinall Kensington Place, Brighton 15 years f
1841 john vinall Kensington Place, Brighton 50 years m Bricklayer
1841 richard vinall Kensington Place, Brighton 25 years m Painter
1841 samuel vinall Kensington Place, Brighton 20 years m Smith
1841 william vinall Bread Street, Brighton 26 years m Bricklayer Sussex
1841 emma viner Kemp Street, Brighton 22 years
1841 emma viner Kemp Street, Brighton 22 years
1841 henry viner Kemp Street, Brighton 23 years Painter
1841 henry viner Kemp Street, Brighton 23 years Painter
1841 ann virgo Frederick Place, Brighton 35 years f
1841 ann virgo Church Street, Brighton 25 years f Sussex
1841 elizabeth virgo Kensington Place, Brighton 6 years f
1841 fanny virgo Church Street, Brighton 3 years f Sussex
1841 george virgo Cheltenham Place, Brighton 4 years
1841 george virgo Kensington Place, Brighton 8 years m
1841 hannah virgo Tidy Street, Brighton 60 years Ind.
1841 henry virgo Kensington Place, Brighton 30 years m Baker
1841 jane virgo Frederick Place, Brighton 1 year f
1841 jane virgo Church Street, Brighton 1 year f Sussex
1841 john virgo Frederick Place, Brighton 35 years m Male servant
1841 lydia virgo Kensington Place, Brighton 30 years f
1841 mary virgo Cheltenham Place, Brighton 55 years
1841 mary virgo Frederick Place, Brighton 5 years f
1841 mary virgo Kensington Place, Brighton 4 years f
1841 petrin virgo Kensington Place, Brighton 1 year m
1841 samuel virgo Cheltenham Place, Brighton 55 years Basket maker
1841 thomas virgo Frederick Place, Brighton 4 years m
1841 warren virgo Church Street, Brighton 30 years m Baker Sussex
1841 william virgo Frederick Place, Brighton 10 years m
1841 wm virgo Kensington Place, Brighton 2 years m
1841 jane vohes 43 Waterloo Street, Hove 30 years F S
1841 thomas vohes 43 Waterloo Street, Hove 12 years M S
1841 eliza waddington Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 esther waddington Vine Street, Brighton 30 years
1841 george waddington Vine Street, Brighton 5 years
1841 w waddington Vine Street, Brighton 30 years Mason
1841 john wade Robert Street, Brighton 30 years Independent means
1841 susan wade Gloucester Terrace, Brighton 45 years f
1841 ellen wadey Marlborough Place, Brighton 25 years f Female Servant Sussex
1841 william wadey Bread Street, Brighton 20 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 sarah wainford Gardner Street, Brighton 32 years � f Friend of Sussex
1841 ann wakeman Charles Street, Brighton 30 years Female Servant
1841 maria walbrook Charles Street, Brighton 25 years Female Servant
1841 alfred walder Frederick Gardens, Brighton 9 years m Sussex
1841 charles walder Frederick Gardens, Brighton 2 years m Sussex
1841 charles walder Frederick Street, Brighton 60 years m Tailor Sussex
1841 elizabeth walder Frederick Gardens, Brighton 11 years f Sussex
1841 george walder Frederick Gardens, Brighton 35 years m Tailor Sussex
1841 george walder Frederick Gardens, Brighton 13 years m Stationer's Assistant Sussex
1841 henry walder Frederick Gardens, Brighton 15 years m Tailor Assistant Sussex
1841 john walder Frederick Gardens, Brighton 7 years m Sussex