Census return

Displaying 10,251 - 10,500 of 73,812
Date First names Last name Place Age Sex Relation Profession Place of birth
1851 harriett hacker 37 Regent Street, Brighton 17 years f Visitor Lancing, Sussex
1851 james w hacker 27 Frederick Gardens, Brighton 33 years m Head Gass Fitter Westminister, London, Middlesex
1851 james w hacker 27 Frederick Gardens, Brighton 10 years m Son Walworth, Surrey
1851 mary hacker 27 Frederick Gardens, Brighton 32 years f Wife Chelmsford, Essex
1851 mary anne hacker 27 Frederick Gardens, Brighton 6 years f Daughter Walworth, Surrey
1851 walter hacker 27 Frederick Gardens, Brighton 8 years m Son Walworth, Surrey
1851 george hackmore 10 Kemp Street, Brighton 2 years Visitor
1851 george hackmore 10 Kemp Street, Brighton 2 years Visitor
1851 hy hadley 20 Waterloo Street, Hove 16 years Servant Serv
1851 maria hagar 38 Gardner Street, Brighton 55 years f Lodger Annuitant Aylsham , Norfolk
1851 emma hagett 30 Frederick Street, Brighton 1 year f Daughter Brighton, Sussex
1851 henry hagett 30 Frederick Street, Brighton 43 years m Head Moulder Sussex
1851 james hagett 30 Frederick Street, Brighton 9 years m Son Day Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 louisa hagett 30 Frederick Street, Brighton 39 years f Wife Sussex
1851 william hagett 30 Frederick Street, Brighton 7 years m Son Day Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 anna hagman 5 Frederick Place, Brighton 49 years f Wife
1851 fredrick hagman 5 Frederick Place, Brighton 3 months m Son
1851 margaret hagman 5 Frederick Place, Brighton 21 years f Daughter Shoe Binder
1851 thomas hagman 5 Frederick Place, Brighton 53 years m Head Plasterer
1851 george hailsham 56 Jubilee Street, Brighton 29 years Shoemaker
1851 juli anne haines 12 Over Street, Brighton 29 years Sister Ironer
1851 lucy haines 56 Church Street, Brighton 19 years f Daughter House Keeper Brighton, Sussex
1851 samuel haines 56 Church Street, Brighton 58 years m Head Retired Grocer Kirdford, Sussex
1851 christopher hains 1 Blenheim Place, Brighton 27 years m Lodger Grocer Warehouse Man Cirencester
1851 alfred halford 67 Jubilee Street, Brighton 4 years Grandson Scholar
1851 elizabeth halford 67 Jubilee Street, Brighton 18 years Daughter Dressmaker
1851 jane halford 67 Jubilee Street, Brighton 14 years Daughter Nurse maid
1851 margaret halford 67 Jubilee Street, Brighton 16 years Daughter Shoebinder
1851 phillis halford 67 Jubilee Street, Brighton 57 years Head Charwoman
1851 william halford 67 Jubilee Street, Brighton 12 years Son Shop boy
1851 ann hall 5 Church Street, Brighton 55 years f Wife Brighton, Sussex
1851 chalotte eliza hall 32 Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 30 years Servant
1851 charles hall 5 Church Street, Brighton 60 years m Head Greengrocer Crondall, Hampshire
1851 daniel hall 39 Frederick Street, Brighton 19 years m Head Porter Mayfield, Sussex
1851 eleanor hall 2 Church Street, Brighton 29 years f Drawing Governess Camberwell, Surrey
1851 enney hall 32 Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 19 years Servant
1851 garrick hall 13 George Street, Brighton Daughter
1851 harry hall 58 Gardner Street, Brighton 22 years m Head Master Butcher Brighton , Sussex
1851 james hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 6 years Son Scholar
1851 james hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 6 years Son Scholar
1851 john hall 17 Jubilee Street, Brighton 3 years Son
1851 margaret hall 17 Jubilee Street, Brighton 35 years Wife
1851 mary hall 13 George Street, Brighton 39 years Wife
1851 mary ann hall 17 Jubilee Street, Brighton 6 years Daughter
1851 mary ann eliza hall 13 George Street, Brighton 6 years Daughter
1851 mary e hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 11 years Daughter Scholar
1851 mary e hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 11 years Daughter Scholar
1851 richard hall 13 George Street, Brighton 8 years Son
1851 sarah hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 40 years Head Washerwoman
1851 sarah hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 40 years Head Washerwoman
1851 sarah e hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 18 years Daughter Servant
1851 sarah e hall 18 Kemp Street, Brighton 18 years Daughter Servant
1851 susan hall 12 Gardner Street, Brighton 40 years � f Head Schoolmistress Blackheath, Kent
1851 thomas hall 17 Jubilee Street, Brighton 1 day Son
1851 william hall 17 Jubilee Street, Brighton 43 years Head
1851 william hall 13 George Street, Brighton 27 years Head Baker
1851 joseph halstead 42 Frederick Street, Brighton 14 years m Son Errand Boy Brighton, Sussex
1851 maria halstead 42 Frederick Street, Brighton 51 years f Head Out Washing Framfield, Sussex
1851 john c hamble 19 Over Street, Brighton 24 years Son Watch Maker
1851 john hamilton 83 Gloucester Lane, Brighton 23 years m Lodger Hawker & Dealer in Silks Leinster
1851 alfred hammond 54 Jubilee Street, Brighton 17 years Son Shoemaker
1851 ancelice hammond 54 Jubilee Street, Brighton 9 years Daughter
1851 ann hammond 54 Jubilee Street, Brighton 40 years Head Shopkeeper
1851 george hammond 67 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 44 years m Head Clerk & Commercial Traveller (Corntrade) Havant, Hampshire
1851 hanah hammond 57 Church Street, Brighton 6 years f Visitor Leicester
1851 henry hammond 54 Jubilee Street, Brighton 18 years Son Shoemaker
1851 eliza hamoner 48 George Street, Brighton 19 years Daughter Milliner
1851 ellen hamoner 48 George Street, Brighton 4 years Daughter At home
1851 isaac hamoner 48 George Street, Brighton 6 years Son Scholar
1851 sarah handing 20 Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 35 years Head Boarding house keeper
1851 george hanginter 2 Orange Row, Brighton 4 years Son
1851 james hanginter 2 Orange Row, Brighton 40 years Head General labourer
1851 james hanginter 2 Orange Row, Brighton 6 years Son
1851 mary anne hanginter 2 Orange Row, Brighton 2 years Daughter
1851 sally hanginter 2 Orange Row, Brighton 36 years Wife
1851 elizabeth hannan 11 Marlborough Place, Brighton 78 years f Aunt Annuitant Gravesend, Kent
1851 sarah hannard 55 Frederick Street, Brighton 25 years f Nurse Ashford, Kent
1851 sarah hanner 48 George Street, Brighton 49 years Wife Milliner
1851 jane hanson 51 Kensington Place, Brighton 65 years f Sister Fundholder Sussex, Albourne
1851 betsy hapley 5 Tidy Street, Brighton 35 years Head Dressmaker
1851 ellen hapley 5 Tidy Street, Brighton 10 years Daughter Scholar
1851 margaret hapley 5 Tidy Street, Brighton 66 years Visitor
1851 william henry harbar 2 Kensington Gardens, Brighton 25 years m Lodger Stable Man Lewes, Sussex
1851 catherine hardie 96 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 39 years f Wife Lambeth, Surrey
1851 william hardie 96 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 42 years m Head Piano Forte Maker & Musician St Martins, Middlesex
1851 ann harding 3 Waterloo Street, Hove 23 years Servant Cooke
1851 charles harding 14 Waterloo Street, Hove 10 years Pupil
1851 edwd harding 14 Waterloo Street, Hove 9 years Pupil
1851 joseph harding 17 Queen's Gardens, Brighton 29 years Lodger Plasterer
1851 ann hardingham 6 Queen's Gardens, Brighton 63 years Wife
1851 john hardingham 6 Queen's Gardens, Brighton 56 years Head Cordwainer Boot Closer
1851 francis c. hards 39 Regent Street, Brighton 37 years f Wife Lewes, Sussex
1851 francis catherine hards 39 Regent Street, Brighton 7 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 george c. hards 39 Regent Street, Brighton 2 years m Son Brighton, Sussex
1851 george g. hards 39 Regent Street, Brighton 34 years m Head Porter
1851 mary hards Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 30 years f Wife
1851 william hards Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 24 years m Head Porter
1851 george haress 4 Thomas Street, Kemp Town 28 years m Visitor Silkweaver London, Middlesex
1851 anne harfield 12 Frederick Street, Brighton 67 years f Wife Domestic Suffolk
1851 william harfield 12 Frederick Street, Brighton 55 years m Head Labourer for Commisioner Hampshire
1851 jane hargraves 4 Spring Gardens, Brighton 38 years f Housekeeper Housekeeper Patcham, Sussex
1851 david harland 63 Pimlico, Brighton 39 years m Head Road Lab. Ground Labourer Brighton, Sussex
1851 eliza harland 63 Pimlico, Brighton 5 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 elizabeth harland 63 Pimlico, Brighton 2 years f Daughter at home Brighton, Sussex
1851 harriet harland 63 Pimlico, Brighton 30 years f Wife Domestic Brighton, Sussex
1851 harriet harland 63 Pimlico, Brighton 8 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 laura harland 63 Pimlico, Brighton 1 year f Daughter at home Brighton, Sussex
1851 agnes harman 12 Robert Street, Brighton 7 years Daughter
1851 alfred l harman 7 Pelham Terrace, Brighton 13 years Visitor Scholar
1851 ann harman 12 Jubilee Street, Brighton 34 years Wife Stay maker
1851 ann harman 16 Orange Row, Brighton 60 years Servant Servant
1851 barbara harman 14 Orange Row, Brighton 23 years Lives with him Laundry woman
1851 caroline harman 12 Robert Street, Brighton 1 year Daughter
1851 catharine harman 12 Robert Street, Brighton 30 years Wife
1851 christopher harman 4 Kensington Place, Brighton 18 years m Son Carpenter Sussex, Brighton
1851 drucilla harman 34 Pimlico, Brighton 32 years f Wife Washerwoman Brighton, Sussex
1851 eliza harman 3 Pimlico, Brighton 12 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 elizabeth harman 14 Orange Row, Brighton 24 years Wife Laundry woman
1851 elizabeth harman 14 Orange Row, Brighton 5 years Daughter
1851 elizabeth harman 17 Orange Row, Brighton 71 years Head Washerwoman
1851 elizabeth harman 43 Gardner Street, Brighton 70 years f Head Annuitant Brighton , Sussex
1851 emily harman 4 Kensington Place, Brighton 14 years f Daughter Scholar Sussex, Brighton
1851 emma harman 36 Pimlico, Brighton 10 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 fanny harman 48 Pimlico, Brighton 6 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 fanny harman 15 Pimlico, Brighton 12 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 frances harman 27 Sydney Street, Brighton 44 years Wife
1851 frances harman 4 Kensington Place, Brighton 44 years f Head Upholstress Sussex, Brighton
1851 george harman 12 Robert Street, Brighton 31 years Head Painter
1851 george harman 12 Robert Street, Brighton 6 years Son
1851 george harman 15, 16 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 17 years m Nephew Butcher's Servant Deptford, Kent
1851 henry harman 12 Robert Street, Brighton 4 years Son
1851 james harman 36 Pimlico, Brighton 4 years m Son Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 james harman 48 Pimlico, Brighton 12 years m Son Errand Boy Brighton, Sussex
1851 jane harman 48 Pimlico, Brighton 10 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 john harman 8 Bread Street, Brighton 26 years m Brother in law Waterman Brighton, Sussex
1851 john harman 12 Jubilee Street, Brighton 15 years Son Carpenter apprentice
1851 john harman 14 Orange Row, Brighton 4 years Son
1851 john harman 75 Pimlico, Brighton 16 years m Son Bricklayer's Labourer Brighton, Sussex
1851 john harman 81 Church Street, Brighton 25 years m Servant Brighton, Sussex
1851 john harman 3 Pimlico, Brighton 10 years m Son Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 john harman 15 Pimlico, Brighton 35 years m Head Fisherman Brighton, Sussex
1851 john harman 15 Pimlico, Brighton 10 years m Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 josiah harman 4 Kensington Place, Brighton 17 years m Son Painter Sussex, Brighton
1851 louisa harman 9 Pimlico, Brighton 20 years f Head Laundress Brighton, Sussex
1851 mary harman 36 Pimlico, Brighton 34 years f Wife Domestic Brighton, Sussex
1851 mary harman 48 Pimlico, Brighton 45 years f Wife Laundress Marizion, Cornwall
1851 mary harman 15, 16 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 19 years f Niece Domestic Servant Deptford, Kent
1851 mary harman 7 Pimlico, Brighton 60 years f Wife Charwoman Brighton, Sussex
1851 nathaniel harman 8 Bread Street, Brighton 68 years m Father in law Waterman Brighton, Sussex
1851 nathaniel harman 14 Orange Row, Brighton 29 years Head Fish hawker
1851 nathaniel harman 7 Pimlico, Brighton 60 years m Head Labourer Brighton, Sussex
1851 rebecca harman 11 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 16 years f Servant House Servant Barcombe, Sussex
1851 richard harman 48 Pimlico, Brighton 16 years m Son Day Labourer Brighton, Sussex
1851 robert harman 27 Sydney Street, Brighton 44 years Head Coach Man
1851 samuel harman 12 Jubilee Street, Brighton 40 years Head Carrier
1851 sarah harman 36 Pimlico, Brighton 1 year f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 sarah harman 44 Gardner Street, Brighton 17 years f Servant Brighton , Sussex
1851 sarah harman 4 Kensington Place, Brighton 20 years f Daughter Milliner Sussex, Brighton
1851 sarah harman 3 Pimlico, Brighton 39 years f Head Washerwoman East Grinstead, Sussex
1851 sarah harman 15 Pimlico, Brighton 33 years f Wife Fisherwoman Brighton, Sussex
1851 susan harman 48 Pimlico, Brighton 8 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 thomas harman 12 Jubilee Street, Brighton 18 years Son Shoe maker
1851 thomas harman 34 Pimlico, Brighton 38 years m Head Fish Hawker Brighton, Sussex
1851 thomas harman 48 Pimlico, Brighton 12 years m Son Errand Boy Brighton, Sussex
1851 thomas harman 3 Pimlico, Brighton 5 years m Son Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 walter harman 4 Kensington Place, Brighton 16 years m Son Errand boy Sussex, Brighton
1851 william harman 14 Orange Row, Brighton 2 years Son
1851 william harman 36 Pimlico, Brighton 30 years m Head Bricklayer's Labourer Brighton, Sussex
1851 william harman 36 Pimlico, Brighton 6 years m Son Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 william harman 90 Church Street, Brighton 2 years m Grandson Hastings, Sussex
1851 william harman 8 Pimlico, Brighton 22 years m Lodger Labourer Brighton, Sussex
1851 william harman 15 Pimlico, Brighton 4 years m Son Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 cordelia harmer 49 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 20 years f Visitor Heathfield, Sussex
1851 elizabeth harmer Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 7 years f Daughter Scholar
1851 elizabeth harmer 10 Gardner Street, Brighton 80 years f Mother Brighton, Sussex
1851 ellen harmer Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 4 years f Daughter
1851 frances harmer Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 42 years f Head Laundress
1851 george harmer Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 11 years m Son Scholar
1851 george harmer 6 Gardner Street, Brighton 30 years m Boarder Painter Bognor, Sussex
1851 james harmer 10 Gardner Street, Brighton 52 years m Head Painter Heathfield, Sussex
1851 martha harmer 10 Gardner Street, Brighton 51 years f Wife Brighton, Sussex
1851 thomas harmer Upper Gardner Street, Brighton 14 years m Son Scholar
1851 ann harmes 29 Thomas Street, Kemp Town 35 years f Wife Battle, Sussex
1851 henrietta harmes 19 Jubilee Street, Brighton 22 years Daughter At home
1851 louisa harmes 19 Jubilee Street, Brighton 47 years Wife
1851 robert harmes 19 Jubilee Street, Brighton 54 years Head Butcher
1851 samuel harmes 29 Thomas Street, Kemp Town 35 years m Head Poulterers (Journeyman) Brighton, Sussex
1851 edward harmion 53 Kensington Place, Brighton 16 years m Visitor Coach maker (apprentice) York
1851 joseph harmion 53 Kensington Place, Brighton 18 years m Visitor Coach maker (apprentice) york
1851 mary harms 10 Over Street, Brighton 35 years Wife
1851 thomas harms 10 Over Street, Brighton 31 years Head Painter
1851 emma harnel 20 Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 40 years Boarder
1851 mary harnel 20 Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 41 years Boarder
1851 john haroll 20 Over Street, Brighton 7 years Son Scholar
1851 joseph haroll 20 Over Street, Brighton 28 years Head Plasterer
1851 sarah haroll 20 Over Street, Brighton 27 years Wife
1851 william haroll 20 Over Street, Brighton 2 years Son Scholar
1851 arthur harrington 12 Waterloo Street, Hove 3 years Son
1851 louisa harrington 12 Waterloo Street, Hove 19 years Daughter
1851 sarah harrington 12 Waterloo Street, Hove 41 years Head
1851 catherine harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 3 years Daughter Scholar
1851 eliza harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 7 years Daughter Scholar
1851 harriett harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 47 years Wife
1851 henry harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 16 years Son
1851 isabella harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 9 years Daughter Scholar
1851 laura harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 12 years Daughter Scholar
1851 matilda harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 20 years Daughter
1851 richard harriott 33 Tidy Street, Brighton 47 years Head Coachman
1851 harris 34 North Lane, Brighton 37 years f Daughter Sempstress Kent Hythe
1851 alfred harris 8 Gloucester Terrace, Brighton 44 years m Head Plumber
1851 alfred harris 8 Gloucester Terrace, Brighton 13 years m Son Scholar
1851 augusta harris 3 Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 36 years Lodger Teacher of music
1851 feser harris 58 Pimlico, Brighton 6 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 george harris 58 Pimlico, Brighton 56 years m Head Bricklayer Plymouth, Devon
1851 jemima harris 8 Gloucester Terrace, Brighton 43 years f Wife
1851 john harris 58 Pimlico, Brighton 8 years m Son Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 john harris 13 Trafalgar Terrace, Brighton 60 years m Head Coach Smith Rodmill, Sussex
1851 john harris 13 Trafalgar Terrace, Brighton 30 years m Son Stoker Royal Navy Lewes, Sussex
1851 martha harris 27 Queen's Gardens, Brighton 19 years Visitor
1851 mary harris 27 Queen's Gardens, Brighton 63 years Visitor Stationer
1851 sarah harris 13 Trafalgar Terrace, Brighton 61 years f Wife Eastbourne, Sussex
1851 sarah harris 58 Pimlico, Brighton 47 years f Wife Charwoman Brighton, Sussex
1851 susan harris 34 North Lane, Brighton 73 years f Head Sempstress Devonshire Midbury
1851 susan harris 34 North Lane, Brighton 4 years f GrandDaughter Scholar Sussex Brighton
1851 susannah harris 58 Pimlico, Brighton 4 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 william harris 8 Gloucester Terrace, Brighton 9 years m Son Scholar
1851 ellen harrison 10 Sydney Street, Brighton 1 year Daughter
1851 henry harrison 10 Sydney Street, Brighton 2 years Son
1851 john harrison 79 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 22 years m Lodger Railway Engineer Leeds, Yorkshire
1851 maria a. harrison 10 Sydney Street, Brighton 28 years Head Annuitant
1851 richard harrison 59 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 22 years m Lodger Railway Clerk Cottingham, Yorkshire
1851 ann hart 6 Gardner Street, Brighton 14 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 anne hart 2 Church Street, Brighton 33 years f Music Governess Camberwell, Surrey
1851 esther hart 6 Gardner Street, Brighton 12 years f Daughter Scholar Brighton, Sussex
1851 john hart 4 Thomas Street, Kemp Town 18 years m Visitor Tailor Brighton, Sussex
1851 robert hart 6 Gardner Street, Brighton 48 years m Head Carpenter Eastbourne, Sussex
1851 sarah hart 6 Gardner Street, Brighton 40 years f Wife Burwash, Sussex
1851 susan hart 35 Frederick Place, Brighton 6 years f Sister Scholar
1851 william hart 4 Thomas Street, Kemp Town 17 years m Visitor Sailor Brighton, Sussex
1851 margaret hartfield 14 Charles Street, Brighton 20 years Servant
1851 mary hartfield 85 Trafalgar Street, Brighton 11 years f Niece General Servant Burwash, Sussex
1851 john hartley 30 Church Street, Brighton 50 years m Head Proprietor of Houses At Sea
1851 mary hartley 30 Church Street, Brighton 48 years f Wife Laundress Employing 5 Women Tonbridge, Kent
1851 jane harttey 28 Gloucester Lane, Brighton 19 years f Servant House Servant Eastbourne, Sussex
1851 elizabeth harvey 125 Gloucester Lane, Brighton 14 years f Servant House Servant Brighton, Sussex
1851 mary a. harvey 25 Spring Gardens, Brighton 39 years f Head Inn Keeper Founders Arms Henfield, Sussex
1851 robert harvey 9 Orange Row, Brighton 29 years Head
1851 edwin harwood 81 Gloucester Lane, Brighton 18 years m Son Butcher West Tarring, Sussex
1851 jane harwood 81 Gloucester Lane, Brighton 26 years f Daughter West Tarring, Sussex
1851 john harwood 81 Gloucester Lane, Brighton 55 years m Head Baker Employing 1 Man, 2 Boys Washington, Sussex