Census return

Displaying 4,051 - 4,100 of 73,812
Date First names Last name Place Age Sex Relation Profession Place of birth
1841 mary mort Kensington Place, Brighton 6 years f
1841 william mort Kensington Place, Brighton 2 years m
1841 elen morten Marlborough Place, Brighton 5 years f Sussex
1841 james mosely Gardner Street, Brighton 31 years � m Painter Sussex
1841 sarah mosely Gardner Street, Brighton 30 years � f Sussex
1841 george moth Pimlico, Brighton 3 months m
1841 mary s. mott Church Street, Brighton 17 years f
1841 marther mowcett Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 15 years Female servant
1841 mary mullin Church Street, Brighton 5 years f
1841 sophia mullin Church Street, Brighton 30 years f Dress M.
1841 eliza munery Church Street, Brighton 11 years f Sussex
1841 moses munn Church Street, Brighton 15 years m M. Servt. Sussex
1841 ann munnion Tidy Street, Brighton 36 years
1841 george munnion Tidy Street, Brighton 34 years Butcher
1841 john munnion Tidy Street, Brighton 43 years Butcher
1841 william munnion Tidy Street, Brighton 39 years Butcher
1841 elizabeth munrow Thomas Street, Kemp Town 20 years f
1841 charlotte murphy Kensington Place, Brighton 13 years f
1841 george murphy Kensington Place, Brighton 50 years m Carpenter
1841 joseph murphy Kensington Place, Brighton 20 years m Painter
1841 mary murphy Kensington Place, Brighton 50 years f
1841 geo murrell Gardner Street, Brighton 37 years � m M S Sussex
1841 maria murrell Gardner Street, Brighton 37 years � f Sussex
1841 murry 32 Church Street, Brighton 15 years f F.Servt. Sussex
1841 john mussell Kensington Place, Brighton 25 years m Painter
1841 john mutton Marlborough Place, Brighton 9 years m Pupil Sussex
1841 thomas mutton Marlborough Place, Brighton 7 years m Pupil Sussex
1841 william mutton Marlborough Place, Brighton 12 years m Pupil Sussex
1841 lazarus n.k. Thomas Street, Kemp Town 20 years m
1841 n.k. n.k. Orange Row, Brighton 20 years
1841 n.k. n.k. Orange Row, Brighton 25 years
1841 n.k. n.k. Thomas Street, Kemp Town 20 years m
1841 n.k. n.k. Thomas Street, Kemp Town 20 years f
1841 carity napp Trafalgar Street, Brighton 45 years f F.S. Sussex
1841 emilly neabour Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 3 years
1841 lainena neabour Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 1 year
1841 rosa neabour Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 30 years
1841 rosena neabour Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 7 years
1841 william neabour Dorset Gardens, Kemp Town 30 years Music seller
1841 sarah neal Frederick Street, Brighton 20 years f Sussex
1841 william neal Frederick Street, Brighton 30 years m M.S.
1841 b needam Trafalgar Street, Brighton 10 years m Sussex
1841 frances nell Bread Street, Brighton 10 years f Sussex
1841 frederick nell Bread Street, Brighton 4 years m Sussex
1841 john nell Bread Street, Brighton 13 years m Sussex
1841 mary nell Bread Street, Brighton 41 years f Sussex
1841 william nell Bread Street, Brighton 40 years m Labourer Sussex
1841 william nell Bread Street, Brighton 15 years m Sussex
1841 a. newington North Lane, Brighton 35 years f Sussex
1841 ann newington North Lane, Brighton 10 years f Sussex