Electoral register

Displaying 3,751 - 4,000 of 176,658
Date First names Last name Place Image
1855 william ward 52 Ship Street, Brighton
1855 charles warner 99 Upper North Street, Brighton
1855 simeon warner 18 Brunswick Square, Hove
1855 thomas warner Sussex Square, Brighton
1855 george warren 46 Essex Street, Brighton
1855 george warren 5 Seymour Street, Brighton
1855 william washer 10 Marine Square, Brighton
1855 james washington 118 Sussex Street, Brighton
1855 william slarke waterer 18 Islingword Road, Brighton
1855 thomas waterfield 148 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 william waterman 56 St James Street, Brighton
1855 alfred watkins 3 Castle Street, Brighton
1855 henry watkins 26 Kings Road, Brighton
1855 john watkins 34 Marlborough Street, Brighton
1855 joseph watkins 31 Meeting House Lane, Brighton
1855 thomas watkins 30 Wood Street, Brighton
1855 thomas watkins 7 Rock Street, Brighton
1855 henry watmuff 22 Egremont Place, Brighton
1855 john watson 11 Hampton Place, Brighton
1855 john watson 22 Waterloo Street, Hove
1855 joseph watson Lansdowne Dairy, Lansdowne Place, Hove
1855 william augustus watson 85 Kings Road, Brighton
1855 william frederick watson 8 Montpellier Crescent, Brighton
1855 charles watts 50 Temple Street, Brighton
1855 edmund watts 48 Kensington Place, Brighton
1855 george watts 48 Preston Street, Brighton
1855 james junior watts 40 Upper Russell Street, Brighton
1855 james senior watts 10 Albion Hill, Brighton
1855 richard watts 26 Queen Street, Brighton
1855 thomas watts 80 Western Road, Brighton
1855 william watts Furze Hill, Hove
1855 richard waydin 18 Western Road, Brighton
1855 thomas weatherall 28 York Place, Brighton
1855 thomas weatherall 9 West Street, Brighton
1855 benjamin webb 7 Burlington Street, Brighton
1855 charles webb 88 Upper North Street, Brighton
1855 james webb 7 Montpellier Street, Brighton
1855 richard mallam webb Old Steine, Brighton
1855 robert webb 3 Russell Street, Brighton
1855 william webb 1 Howard Terrace, Brighton
1855 james webber Church Street, Brighton
1855 richard webster 24 Oriental Place, Brighton
1855 james weeks 10 St Georges Road, Brighton
1855 james weeks 15 Wyndham Street, Brighton
1855 joseph weisser 131 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 henry welfare 15 Cheltenham Place, Brighton
1855 charles weller 48 Cheapside, Brighton
1855 edward weller 190 Eastern Road, Brighton
1855 george weller 1 Albion Hill, Brighton
1855 henry weller 10 Trafalgar Terrace, Brighton
1855 james weller 28 Rose Hill Terrace, Brighton
1855 james henry weller Back Of Royal Crescent, Brighton
1855 john weller 93 QueensRoad, Brighton
1855 john weller 4 Upper Bedford Street, Brighton
1855 samuel weller 11 Victoria Road, Brighton
1855 william weller 1 Clarence Gardens, Brighton
1855 george welling 55 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1855 gabriel wells 61 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1855 james wells 22 New England Street, Brighton
1855 james wells 9 Dean Street, Brighton
1855 john wells 80 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1855 john wells 1 Red Cross Street, Brighton
1855 john wells 23 Little East Street, Brighton
1855 john wells 24 Guildford Street, Brighton
1855 john tye wells 10 Montpellier Street, Brighton
1855 richard wells 2 Old Steine Street, Brighton
1855 walter wells 29 Belmont Street, Brighton
1855 frederick mills welsford 19 Hanover Crescent, Brighton
1855 william welstead 36 Montpellier Street, Brighton
1855 thomas were 17 St Georges Street, Brighton
1855 edward west 36 New England Street, Brighton
1855 james west 19 Eastern Road, Brighton
1855 john west 8 Hampton Place, Brighton
1855 richard west 15 Cross Street, Hove
1855 thomas west 3 Lewes Crescent, Brighton
1855 thomas west 20 Kew Street, Brighton
1855 thomas west 27 Kensington Place, Brighton
1855 thomas paine west 29 Church Street, Brighton
1855 william west 7 Norfolk Road, Brighton
1855 william west 10 St Georges Street, Brighton
1855 charles westcott 16 Park Street, Brighton
1855 henry westlake 1 Peel Place, Brighton
1855 william westmore 57 London Road, Brighton
1855 george weston 37 Dean Street, Brighton
1855 joseph weston 12 Sydney Terrace, Brighton
1855 oliver weston 79 North Lane, Brighton
1855 spencer weston 36 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 thomas weston 13 Wellington Terrace, Brighton
1855 william weston 7 New Road, Brighton
1855 sir george augustus westphal 2 Brunswick Square, Hove
1855 edward whately 14 Buckingham Place, Brighton
1855 jack thomas whatford 13 Castle Square, Brighton
1855 frederick wheeler 63 QueensRoad, Brighton
1855 john wheeler 27 North Street, Brighton
1855 samuel wheeler 12 Brunswick Terrace, Hove
1855 albert white 79 Western Road, Brighton
1855 charles white 1 Riding School Lane, Brighton
1855 david white 32 York Road, Brighton
1855 edward white 16 North Street, Brighton
1855 frederick white 21 Clifton Hill, Brighton
1855 george white 1 Riding School Lane, Brighton
1855 george white 93 Carlton Street, Brighton
1855 henry white 6 St Georges Terrace, Brighton
1855 jabez white 70 West Street, Brighton
1855 james white 63 Marine Parade, Brighton
1855 james white 85 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1855 james white 15 Bedford Square, Brighton
1855 john blondon white 38 London Street, Brighton
1855 thomas white 6 Montpellier Place, Brighton
1855 thomas white 13 George Street Gardens, Brighton
1855 thomas white 18 Brunswick Place, Brighton
1855 william white 35 London Street, Brighton
1855 william white 10 Carlton Street, Brighton
1855 william drake white 9 Bristol Road, Brighton
1855 george whitehead 27 New Steine, Brighton
1855 thomas whiteman 20 Devonshire Place, Brighton
1855 william whiteman 36 Osborne Street, Hove
1855 benjamin whittaker 3 Hampton Street, Brighton
1855 james wicks 9 Windsor Street, Brighton
1855 john wicks 46 Middle Street, Brighton
1855 george wiggens 87 Lansdowne Place, Hove
1855 thomas wiggens 11 Camelford Street, Brighton
1855 james samuel wiggett 8 Cavendish Place, Brighton
1855 gilbert lester wiggins 19 Montpellier Street, Brighton
1855 frederick wigney 15 QueensRoad, Brighton
1855 george wigney 2 Church Street, Brighton
1855 william wigney 49 Upper Brunswick Place, Hove
1855 george wilbar 2 Rock Street, Brighton
1855 william wilcock 7 Bartholomews, Brighton
1855 william wild 162 North Street, Brighton
1855 joseph wileman 33 St James Street, Brighton
1855 william wilkes 61 Gloucester Lane R, Brighton
1855 william wilkin Church Street, Hove
1855 james wilkins 42 Kensington Place, Brighton
1855 john wilkins 25 Richmond Place, Brighton
1855 george wilkinson 28 Belmont Street, Brighton
1855 peter richard wilkinson 171 North Street, Brighton
1855 thomas wilkinson 5 Grand Junction Road, Brighton
1855 william wilkinson 31 Sydney Street, Brighton
1855 frederick willard 2 Western Road, Brighton
1855 smith willard 45 Grenville Place, Brighton
1855 william willard Grenville Lodge, Brighton
1855 willoughby willey 40 St James Street, Brighton
1855 edward williams 21 Preston Street, Brighton
1855 james williams 34 King Street, Brighton
1855 john williams 5 Ship Street Lane, Brighton
1855 richard williams 21 College Gardens, Brighton
1855 robert williams 12 Gloucester Place, Brighton
1855 william john williams Clarence Lodge, Grafton Street, Brighton
1855 alexander williamson 3 Arundel Terrace, Brighton
1855 george williamson 31 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 william williamson 9 Osborne Street, Hove
1855 william williamson 17 Gloucester Place, Brighton
1855 george willis 14 Boyces Street, Brighton
1855 joseph willis 45 Park Crescent, Brighton
1855 abraham willmer 1 Church Place, Brighton
1855 thomas willmer 12 College Gardens, Brighton
1855 william willmer 6 Providence Place, Hove
1855 charles willmott 32 Marine Parade, Brighton
1855 william wilmshurst 53 Spring Gardens, Brighton
1855 alexander wilson 38 Montpellier Crescent, Brighton
1855 george wilson 16 St James Street, Brighton
1855 henry wilson 2 Lavender Street, Brighton
1855 john wilson 33 Norfolk Road, Brighton
1855 john sheppard wilson 17 Castle Square, Brighton
1855 robert wilson 8 Belvidere Terrace, Brighton
1855 robert wilson 3 Centurion Place, Brighton
1855 william wilson 1 Charles Street, Brighton
1855 william wilson 44 Upper North Street, Brighton
1855 william wilson 35 Buckingham Place, Brighton
1855 william wilson 19 Grosvenor Street, Brighton
1855 william wilson 53 Cobden Road, Brighton
1855 william wilton 21 Old Steine, Brighton
1855 joseph winch 12 Kensington Gardens, Brighton
1855 william winchester 122 St James Street, Brighton
1855 richard winder 1 Upper St James Street, Brighton
1855 nicholas wingfield 30 Black Lion Street, Brighton
1855 william winn 106 North Lane, Brighton
1855 albert winser 37 Preston Street, Brighton
1855 newnham william winstanley 81 Lansdowne Place, Hove
1855 john winter 37 Baker Street, Brighton
1855 charles wisden 4 Hamptonterrace, Brighton
1855 charles wisden 56 Upper North Street, Brighton
1855 isaac wisden 50 Pimlico, Brighton
1855 william wisden 3 Foundry Street, Brighton
1855 john wisdom 119 London Road, Brighton
1855 william wiseman 1 Foundry Street, Brighton
1855 thomas wiuter 28 Montpellier Road, Brighton
1855 frederick woledge 7 Hampton Place, Brighton
1855 alfred wood 36 Western Road, Brighton
1855 andrew wood 19 Margaret Street, Brighton
1855 charles edward wood 8 Richmond Hill, Brighton
1855 david wood 31 St James Street, Brighton
1855 edward wood 29 Richmond Place, Brighton
1855 frederick junior wood 8 Clarence Place, Brighton
1855 frederick senior wood 5 Ship Street Gardens, Brighton
1855 george wood 91 St James Street, Brighton
1855 henry wood 24 Ship Street, Brighton
1855 henry wood 6 Montague Place, Brighton
1855 james wood 179 Western Road, Brighton
1855 james wood 30 Lavender Street, Brighton
1855 john wood 18 New Road, Brighton
1855 john wood 2 Regency Colonnade, Brighton
1855 joseph wood 57 Cavendish Street, Brighton
1855 richard wood 26 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1855 robert wood 24 Ship Street, Brighton
1855 thomas wood 51 Russell Street, Brighton
1855 thomas fuller wood 42 Russell Square, Brighton
1855 timothy wood 83 West Street, Brighton
1855 william robert wood 3 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton
1855 edward woodbridge 61 Montpellier Road, Brighton
1855 james woodgate 35 New England Street, Brighton
1855 obadiah woodhams 69 Preston Street, Brighton
1855 william woodhams 28 George Street, Brighton
1855 james woodman Albany Villas, Hove
1855 arthur william woods 64 Ship Street, Brighton
1855 henry wooller Old Hove, Hove
1855 john wooller 22 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1855 henry woollett 139 North Street, Brighton
1855 james woolley 110 St James Street, Brighton
1855 edward worger 13 Bond Street, Brighton
1855 henry wornham 5 Jubilee Court, Brighton
1855 alfred worsfield 1 Carlton Street, Brighton
1855 richard worsfield 177 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 james worsley 40 Ship Street, Brighton
1855 joseph worsley 114 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 christopher wren 21 Portland Street, Brighton
1855 charles wright 31 Cannon Place, Brighton
1855 edward wright 80 North Lane, Brighton
1855 frederick wright Ailesbury villa, Furze Hill, Hove
1855 frederick wright 176 North Street, Brighton
1855 george wright 23 Terminus Road, Brighton
1855 john wright 56 Old Steine, Brighton
1855 john thomas wright 41 Portland Street, Brighton
1855 william wright 2 Marshalls Row, Brighton
1855 george wyatt 6 Victoria Terrace, Hove
1855 john wyatt 15 Market Street, Hove
1855 thomas wyatt 25 Marine Parade, Brighton
1855 david wymark 124 Kings Road, Brighton
1855 george wymark 59 Western Road, Brighton
1855 james wymark 13 Carlton Place, Brighton
1855 william wymark 4 George Street Gardens, Brighton
1855 george wyndham 30 Upper Rock Gardens, Brighton
1855 william wynn 6 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 george yarnell 139 Edward Street, Brighton
1855 amos yates 53 QueensRoad, Brighton
1855 henry whannell yates 98 Lansdowne Place, Hove
1855 john yearsley 4 Powis Villas, Brighton
1855 john yearsley 4 Powis Villas, Brighton
1855 andrew yeates 39 Clarence Square, Brighton