Electoral register

Displaying 24,501 - 24,750 of 176,658
Date First names Last name Place Image
1886 john hughes coxwell 47 Ventnor Villas, Hove
1886 joseph coy 12 Farm Road, Hove
1886 charles cozens 21 Oriental Place, Brighton
1886 frank cozens 71 George Street, Hove
1886 henry cozens 23 Bond Street, Brighton
1886 henry cozens 23 Bond Street, Brighton
1886 william cozens 7 Conway Place, Hove
1886 haydon crabb 24 New Road, Brighton
1886 william joseph crabb 2 Church Street, Brighton
1886 william laban cracklow 2 Wordsworth Street, Hove
1886 david craig 13 New Steins, Brighton
1886 robert craig 26 Guildford Road, Brighton
1886 william crake 51 Lansdowne Place, Hove
1886 henry cramp 23 Coleman Street, Brighton
1886 henry cramp 17 George Street Gardens, Brighton
1886 john cramp 42 Warwick Street, Brighton
1886 robert cramp 27 Crescent Road, Brighton
1886 thomas cramp 19 Eastern Road, Brighton
1886 thomas cramp 5 Grant Street, Brighton
1886 william cramp 81 Clarendon Road, Hove
1886 edward crane 11 Wellington Road, Brighton
1886 thomas crane 29 Ship Street, Brighton
1886 michael cranstone 20 Hanover Street, Brighton
1886 william cranwell 25 Clarendon Villas, Hove
1886 johu crapps 20 Powis Road, Brighton
1886 alfred craske 15 Oriental Place, Brighton
1886 james craven 64 Buckingham Road, Brighton
1886 john chester craven 1 St Peters Place, Brighton
1886 carleton crawford 9 Dorset Gardens, Brighton
1886 mervyn archdall nott crawford 20 Wilbury Road, Hove
1886 charles crawhurst 89 Centurion Road, Brighton
1886 edward young crawley 12 Pelham Square, Brighton
1886 henry crawley 8 Belvedere Terrace, Brighton
1886 harry crayden 5 Ivory Buildings, Brighton
1886 simon william creagb 54 The Drive, Hove
1886 albert shelly creake Furze Hill, Hove
1886 nathaniel creamer 51 Whichelo Place, Brighton
1886 frederick creasey 1 Campbell Road, Preston
1886 william creasey 26 Dean Street, Brighton
1886 joseph creasy 24 Cumberland Place, Brighton
1886 samuel creed creek 21 Clifton Hill, Brighton
1886 frank reuben creese 74 Buckingham Road, Brighton
1886 james henry creighton 4 Upper Rock Gardens, Brighton
1886 frederick cresswell 25 Port Hall Street, Preston
1886 george cresswell 53 Preston Road, Preston
1886 john cresswell 9 Cross Street, Hove
1886 william brooker cresswell 29 Campbell Road, Preston
1886 charles creswell 58 Cowper Street, Hove
1886 henry creswell 18 Blatchington Road, Hove
1886 william creswell 58 Carlyle Street, Brighton
1886 john thomas crews 27 Shaftesbury Road, Preston
1886 alexander crichton 18 Adelaide Crescent, Hove
1886 frank cripps 58 Edward Street, Brighton
1886 george cripps 42 Lennox Street, Brighton
1886 james clifton cripps 33 Lewes Street, Brighton
1886 walter cripps 38 Richmond Buildings, Brighton
1886 william cripps 11 Somerset Street, Brighton
1886 angelo crisp 8 Sudeley Terrace, Brighton
1886 john meriton crisp 13 Pelham Square, Brighton
1886 john crispe 17 East Street, Brighton
1886 henry critcher 45 Spa Street, Brighton
1886 john crittenden 2 Lavender Street, Brighton
1886 edwin crocker 66 Clarendon Villas, Hove
1886 william henry crocker 36 London Road, Brighton
1886 james crockford 1 Picton Street, Brighton
1886 thomas henry crockwell 16 Kingsbury Road, Brighton
1886 william west crockwell 51 Kemp Street, Brighton
1886 joseph croft 22 London Street, Brighton
1886 william croft 9 Prestonville Terrace, Preston
1886 george crone 9 Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 james crone 9 Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 james crone 9 Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 john crone 46 Conway Street, Hove
1886 william treherne crone 16 Preston Road, Preston
1886 james cronin 39 Lewes Street, Brighton
1886 william cronin 17 Market Street, Brighton
1886 charles crook 25 Buckingham Street, Brighton
1886 eli crook 30 Newhaven Street, Brighton
1886 george crook 58 Ship Street, Brighton
1886 thomas crook 17 Cambridge Street, Brighton
1886 robert crosbie 3 Arundel Street, Brighton
1886 william crosbie 13 Dyke Road, Brighton
1886 herbert cross 137 Upper Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 sidney cross 1 Rugby Place, Brighton
1886 william david crossley 17 Kensington Street, Brighton
1886 william henry crossley 13 Rose Hill, Brighton
1886 william henry crossley 13 Rose Hill, Brighton
1886 william crossweller Dean Street, Brighton
1886 george crouch Brighton
1886 james crouch 17 Bute Street, Brighton
1886 james crouch 22 Richmond Buildings, Brighton
1886 john crouch 27 Richmond Buildings, Brighton
1886 charles croucher 16 Nelson Row, Brighton
1886 john junior croucher 3 York Road, Brighton
1886 john senior croucher 4 York Road, Brighton
1886 richard croucher 50 Kensington Place, Brighton
1886 james crow 34 Lennox Street, Brighton
1886 caleb crowhurst 19 Montague Place, Brighton
1886 henry crowhurst 16 Tidy Street, Brighton
1886 henry crowhurst 12 London Road, Brighton
1886 james crowhurst 6 Nile Street, Brighton
1886 james crowhurst 83 Bentham Road, Brighton
1886 john james crowhurst 40 Red Cross Street, Brighton
1886 joseph crowhurst 39 Beaconsfield Road, Preston
1886 joshua crowhurst 103 North Street, Brighton
1886 raphael crowhurst 29 St Georges Terrace, Brighton
1886 thomas william crowhurst 11 Kensington Gardens, Brighton
1886 william crowhurst 17 Upper Market Street, Hove
1886 william crowhurst 17 Sidney Street, Brighton
1886 james crowle 6 Devonshire Terrace, Brighton
1886 daniel crowley 80 Egremont Street, Brighton
1886 daniel crowley 27 Spa Street, Brighton
1886 dennis crowley 74 Egremont Street, Brighton
1886 john crowley 16 Rock Court, Brighton
1886 john crowley 86 Spa Street, Brighton
1886 alfred crowter 10 Kensington Place, Brighton
1886 henry crowter 19 Dinapore Street, Brighton
1886 albert crowther 123 London Road, Brighton
1886 john crowther 123 London Road, Brighton
1886 john crowther 123 London Road, Brighton
1886 george croxson 41 Kensington Place, Brighton
1886 john crude 3 Frederick Gardens, Brighton
1886 edward cruickshank 114 Lansdowne Place, Hove
1886 george crump 1 Stanford Road, Preston
1886 george marshall crump 55 Upper North Street, Brighton
1886 harry crump 11 Victoria Street, Brighton
1886 william crump 25 Coventry Street, Preston
1886 frederick crundeh 21 New Road, Brighton
1886 henry crunden 132 Islingword Road, Brighton
1886 john crunden 14 Rochester Street, Brighton
1886 john crunden 115 Park Road West, Brighton
1886 thomas crunden 3 Steels Buildings, Brighton
1886 thomas crunden 21 New Road, Brighton
1886 thomas cruse Hove
1886 william crussell 53 Clifton Street, Brighton
1886 frederick cruttenden 64 Shirley Street, Hove
1886 henry cruttenden Portslade
1886 stephen cruttenden 45 Upper Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 charles campbell, major cubitt 7 Prestonville Road, Brighton
1886 william cue 27 Park Street, Brighton
1886 george cullam 67 St James Street, Brighton
1886 henry cullen 1, 2 Seymour Street, Brighton
1886 henry cullis 16 Western Road, Brighton
1886 john cully 35 Elm Grove, Brighton
1886 harry culver 2 Ethel Street, Hove
1886 arthur cummings 4 Sussex Mews East, Brighton
1886 frederick cummings 39 QueensGardens, Brighton
1886 george cummings 15 Lansdiwne Street, Hove
1886 james cummings 22 Islingword Street, Brighton
1886 alexander cummins 17 North Place, Brighton
1886 walter robert cunditt 54 North Street, Brighton
1886 robert cunliffe 3 First Avenue, Hove
1886 patrick james cunningham 6 Dinapore Street, Brighton
1886 robert cunningham 60 High Street, Brighton
1886 jerome cuppa 40 Norfolk Square, Brighton
1886 frederick curd 5Model Lodging House, Church Street, Brighton
1886 james curd 19 Paradise Street, Brighton
1886 thomas blizard curling 27 Brunswick Square, Hove
1886 harry currell 80 Carlyle Street, Brighton
1886 george currie 129 Marine Parade, Brighton
1886 george currie 129 Marine Parade, Brighton
1886 frank curry 2 Medina Mews, Hove
1886 constable curtis 16 Chesham Road, Brighton
1886 frederick curtis 13 Grand Parade, Brighton
1886 frederick curtis 13 Grand Parade, Brighton
1886 george curtis 93 Hanover Terrace, Brighton
1886 james curtis 42 Preston Road, Preston
1886 simon curtis 160 Marine Parade, Brighton
1886 thomas curtis 8 Wordsworth Street, Hove
1886 william curzon 57 The Drive, Hove
1886 james cusack 84 Spa Street, Brighton
1886 austin cushman 14 Beaconsfield Villas, Preston
1886 reuben cushman 103 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1886 clement cusse 6 Bedford Street, Brighton
1886 john cuthbert 81 Ditchling Rise, Preston
1886 john rawlinson cuthbert 18 Portland Place, Brighton
1886 john rawlinson cuthbert 18 Portland Place, Brighton
1886 john cuthbertson 14 Atlingworth Street, Brighton
1886 frank william cutlack Lancing
1886 thomas cutlack 7 Powis Grove, Brighton
1886 charles james cutler 3 Grafton Street, Brighton
1886 henry cutler 7 Islingword Road, Brighton
1886 james charles cutler 73 East Street, Brighton
1886 richard cutler 79 Upper Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 richard cutler 79 Upper Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 william john cutler 27 Washington Street, Brighton
1886 charles cutress 4 Dyke Road, Brighton
1886 edward cutress 23 London Street, Brighton
1886 john cutress 1 Round Hill Road, Brighton
1886 thomas cutton 30 St Georges Road, Brighton
1886 charles cuttress 4 Dyke Road, Brighton
1886 george cuttress Brighton
1886 thomas cuttriss 37 Luther Street, Brighton
1886 joseph cutts 22 Providence Place, Brighton
1886 george charles d'albiac 39 Sussex Square, Brighton
1886 george charles d'albiac 39 Sussex Square, Brighton
1886 william \vilks d'albiac 25 Tisbury Road, Hove
1886 frank d'alquen 2 Hampton Place, Brighton
1886 ernest dabell 8 Vere Road, Preston
1886 michael dacey 14 Paradise Cottages, Brighton
1886 sir richard dacres 5 Adelaide Crescent, Hove
1886 william dadson 7 Brunswick Road, Hove
1886 george dadswell 34 Brigden Street, Preston
1886 john dadswell 14 New England Street, Brighton
1886 william james dadswell 33 Crescent Road, Brighton
1886 john dagg 17 North Street, Brighton
1886 james bartlett dalby 32 St Michaels Place, Brighton
1886 edward mee daldy 33 Medina Villas, Hove
1886 john dale 15 Rugby Place, Brighton
1886 thomas dale 12 Baker Street, Brighton
1886 thomas dale 2 Wentworth Street, Brighton
1886 william dale 23 Waldegrave Road, Preston
1886 william dallaway 18 Ann Street, Brighton
1886 frank dallimore 110 Conway Street, Hove
1886 arthur dalton 60 Montpelier Road, Brighton
1886 james dalton 1 Park Road Terrace, Brighton
1886 patrick leon dalton 30 Russell Street, Brighton
1886 john daly 61 Cavendish Street, Brighton
1886 henry damp 10 Stirling Terrace, Hove
1886 thomas dampier 23 Yardlev Street, Preston
1886 william norris dampier 26 St Michaels Place, Brighton
1886 frederick danby 19 Princes Street, Brighton
1886 frederick danby 19 Princes Street, Brighton
1886 frederick danby 19 Princes Street, Brighton
1886 jesse dance 26 Havelock Road, Preston
1886 john dancy 27 Red Cross Street, Brighton
1886 thomas dancy 26 Albion Hill, Brighton
1886 william dancy 7 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1886 william dancy 7 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1886 warren danford 48 Denmark Villas, Hove
1886 francis daniel 7 Castle Square, Brighton
1886 francis daniel 7 Castle Square, Brighton
1886 massena daniels 115 QueensRoad, Brighton
1886 thomas daniels 10 George Street, Brighton
1886 james dann 1 Gerrards Court, Brighton
1886 james dann 39 King Street, Brighton
1886 arthur edward dannatt 86 Blatchington Road, Hove
1886 herbert dapp 12 Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 thomas dapp 27 Southover Street, Brighton
1886 trayton dapp 88 Trafalgar Street, Brighton
1886 daniel darby 8 Kings Mews, Hove
1886 thomas darby 15 Boss Gardens, Brighton
1886 john darbyshire 7 The Drive, Hove
1886 william james darch 21 Sussex Square, Brighton
1886 george darhy 18 QueensGardens, Brighton
1886 george thomas darhy 38 Kensington Place, Brighton
1886 joseph darling 48 Richmond Buildings, Brighton
1886 thomas darling 158 Upper Lewes Road, Brighton
1886 john darnell 14 Sussex Square, Brighton
1886 thomas darter 49 Centurion Road, Brighton