Volunteer opportunities

Carpenters/Woodworkers Team

We need people to join our woodworking team. You will be working in a small team in the basement of number 10. The team is busy in the kitchen of 13 Brunswick Square and the old servants' hall. They are installing a window, reconstructing a brick wall, replacing a fireplace and restoring an original kitchen dresser. We have both experienced woodworkers and those learning the skills for the first time. This is an excellent way to learn skills useful for the heritage industry. Nick Tyson, the curator, is on hand to pass on his wide experience and knowledge. We supply the tools and materials. This is ideal for those crafts people with time to spare or even just willing helpers who are keen to learn and contribute.

Data research and collation Team

Our MyHouseMyStreet website already holds thousands of pieces of information about the history of Brighton & Hove. It is a cornerstone to much of our work and we have more records to add to it. Our new project Here in the Past needs help with research and data input, a task that can sometimes be done from home. You will join a group of people busy upstairs in the offices at 13 Brunswick Square.

Historical Food

To raise funds for restoration we have a fully functioning Regency kitchen. Here you can learn to cook historical recipes as they would have been made in the Town House in the 1830s. We currently run two events, Dine Like a Servant and Lunch with the Curator. This is an opportunity to learn how to cook for groups. The cooking happens during the week but we are also keen to recruit volunteers to work with us at weekends and sometimes in the evenings. If you can't make the Thursday daytime but would still like to be involved with the Town House this could be ideal volunteer role for you. For more infomation about the Town House's historical food please visit this link: http://bit.ly/HistoricFood

Sewing/Historic Costume

We have a group of volunteers who are fascinated by historic costume. The Regency Town House regularly holds events which involves our volunteers dressing up in period costume. The costumes can vary from upstairs finery to the practical clothing of those working downstairs as servants. All these costumes are made at the Town House. If you would like to join our team please get in touch.

Other opportunities

There are many jobs that need doing at the Town House and we are always interested to hear from people who want to help. Please email office@rth.org.uk if you would like to join in.