The Regency Town House at number 13 Brunswick Square formed part of the larger development of Brunswick Town, a speculative project designed by the architect Charles Augustin Busby in the 1820s. Busby wanted the development to be an independent economic unit or 'mini-town' particularly catering for the wealthy upper and middle classes and those who would supply the goods and services they would need.
The focal point of the town was Brunswick Square, designed to provide prestigious and sophisticated housing comparable to the distinguished Nash developments in London. The purchasers were expected to be equally cultured and refined and the overall appearance of the square and individual houses reflects this.
The square was designed to emphasize the harmony of man and nature. The facades of the elegant houses were decorated in the popular neo-classical style, changing with the different roof levels on the rising ground but providing a unified theme. This created interest as the eye moved up the slope from the open vista of the sea to the views of the downs and 'uncultivated nature' beyond the Square.
The fronts of the houses reflect the quality and good taste expected to appeal to wealthy purchasers. Although individual houses were constructed by different builders, Busby insisted that all the facades follow his unified design and tried to insist, as far as possible, that builders used quality materials and followed the London building regulations and standards.
Busby designed the interiors of his houses to incorporate the ideas of light and space made possible by new technologies and included large windows and new 'luxury' services, such as piped water supplies and internal flushable water closets. Although many aspects of design and construction were tightly specified, Busby's clients made use of the internal rooms according to their tastes and preferences.